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IdSMA Bylaws
We are very excited to announce the 2023 Bylaws. Please click HERE for the new PDF document.
Idaho Society of Medical Assistants (IdSMA) BYLAWS
Revisions made: 10/93, 08/96, 09/98, 06/99, 11/02, 12/03, 01/05, 01/07, 03/13, 04/23, 01/24
The purpose of the Idaho Society of Medical Assistants (IdSMA) is to enable medical assisting professionals to enhance and demonstrate the knowledge, skills and professionalism required by employers and patients; protect medical assistants’ right to practice; and promote effective, efficient health care delivery through optional use of multi-skilled Certified Medical Assistants (CMAs).
The name of this organization shall be Idaho Society of Medical Assistants, hereinafter known as IdSMA. IdSMA is an affiliate of the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA).
The purpose of the Idaho Society of Medical Assistants is to enable medical assisting professionals to enhance and demonstrate the knowledge, skills and professionalism required by employers and patients; protect medical assistants’ right to practice; and promote effective, efficient health care delivery through optimal use of multi-skilled Certified Medical Assistants [CMA (AAMA)].
The objective of the IdSMA is to inspire its members to give: honest, loyal and efficient service to the medical profession and to the public which they serve; strive at all times to cooperate with the medical profession; in improving public relations; provide educational service; increase the knowledge and professionalism of its members; stimulate a feeling of fellowship and cooperation among its chapters; encourage and assist all unorganized medical assistants in forming local chapters.
The IdSMA is hereby declared to be nonprofit. It is not, nor shall it ever become a trade union or collective bargaining agency. No person otherwise qualified for membership in this Association will be denied membership. No person who participates in the activities of organizations whose purpose is to overthrow the government of the United States shall be a member of the IdSMA.
Constituent society bylaws must be in strict conformity with the mandated sections of the AAMA bylaws: Name and affiliation, Purpose, Organizational Policy, Membership, Dues, Reciprocity of Membership, Delegates/Alternates representation to the House of Delegates, Dissolution. It will be the responsibility of the 1 AAMA to notify constituent societies to make the mandated changes with copies of revised bylaws returned to AAMA within 30 days of notification. Any action taken by state society that is inconsistent with such mandated language shall immediately be null and void and of no effect. (Refer to AAMA Bylaws 2011-2012 Article IV, Section 7, 3rd Paragraph).
Component chapters are those county or district chapters of medical assistants within the geographic limits of the society. They shall be under the jurisdiction of the society.
1. Classes
There shall be eight classes of membership; active, life, sustaining, associate, student, honorary, affiliate, and member at large.
A. Membership in a constituent society and AAMA shall be required for all classes except honorary.
B. No other membership or quasi membership classes shall be permitted by a component chapter or constituent society.
C. Honorary membership in a constituent society does not transfer to the national level.
SECTION 2. Qualifications
A. Active – An active member shall be one of the following:
1. A credentialed medical assistant holding current status through a National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA)-accredited certification program and whose credential has not been revoked as provided by the respective credentialing body.
2. Anyone who was an active member on December 31, 1987 who has never been a CMA (AAMA) and who maintains continuous active membership. Continuous Active membership shall be defined as having dues postmarked or submitted electronically to the AAMA Executive Office by December31 (the controlling time is that of sending, not that of receiving).
B. Life– A life member shall be an active member who has had life membership conferred by a two thirds vote of the Executive Board for outstanding service to the Association. Only one life membership may be conferred in any year. Nominations with supporting documentation, submitted to the Executive Board at least sixty (60) days in advance to the Annual Meeting, may be made by the component chapters or by a member of the Executive Board.
C. Sustaining – Anyone who has been an active or associate member for at least two years who has retired from medical assisting is eligible for sustaining membership. This membership shall be forfeited if not renewed annually.
D. Associate – An associate member shall be a medical assistant who is not yet an CMA (AAMA), and who does not fall under any other category.
E. STUDENT—A Student member:
1. Shall be enrolled in a medical assisting program.
2. May choose a two-year student membership term or a one-year student membership term.
a) After a two-year Student membership term, the member is then eligible only for either Associate membership or Active membership (if the member meets the Active membership requirements).
b) After a one-year Student membership term, the member is eligible for a second year of Student membership as long as the member renews during the member’s one-year Student membership term. After the second year of Student membership, the member is then eligible only for either Associate membership or Active membership (if the member meets the Active membership requirements).
c) No member is eligible for more than a total of two consecutive years of Student membership.
F. Honorary – An honorary member shall be one who is not eligible for active membership but has made outstanding contributions to the advancement of medical assisting and/or IdSMA. Honorary membership is conferred by a two thirds vote of the Executive Board of the IdSMA. No more than two honorary memberships may be conferred in any year. Nominations with supporting documentation, submitted to the Executive Board at least sixty (60) days in advance of the Annual Meeting, may be made by the society and/or component chapters or by a member of the Executive Board.
G. Affiliate– An affiliate member shall be one who is not eligible for another category of membership but who is interested in the profession of medical assisting.
H. Member at Large – A member at large is one who meets one of the designations of membership types such as: active, life, sustaining, associate, student, honorary and affiliate except that a component chapter does not exist in the area of residence. Such a member shall pay only state and national dues.
SECTION 3. Privileges
A. Active and life members who are CMA (AAMA) holding current status are eligible to serve as officers. Any active or life member may serve as a delegate and or alternate and or committee chair. This excludes the status of student members.
B. All Students:
1. With current AAMA membership shall be allowed to vote.
2. Shall be eligible to serve on a standing committee.
3. Shall not be eligible to hold office or serve as a delegate.
SECTION 4. Revocation
Any member who has had their CMA credential revoked by the Certifying Board as provided by the AAMA Certifying Board Disciplinary Standards and Procedures for the CMA (AAMA) will immediately lose their membership and all privileges attached thereto and shall not be allowed reinstatement, unless the revocation of the credential is rescinded by the Certifying Board. No refunds of any dues amount paid will be made.
SECTION 1. Annual dues for all classes of the IdSMA members shall be fixed by the Executive Board. Dues shall become due and payable by November 1st and shall be delinquent if not postmarked or submitted electronically by December 31st to the AAMA Executive Office. Controlling time is that of sending, not that of receiving.
A. Full dues will be assessed for active, associate, affiliate and members-at-large.
B. Half-dues will be assessed for sustaining members.
C. Student member’s dues are determined by the AAMA House of Delegates. The State does not collect any additional dues from the students.
D. Life and honorary members are not required to pay dues.
SECTION 2. Dues for a new member joining on or after September 1st shall be credited to the following year.
SECTION 3. To serve and continue to serve as a (AAMA) Delegate, an Alternate, an Officer, or a Trustee, a member’s dues shall be postmarked or submitted electronically to the AAMA Executive Office by December 31 for each year of office (the controlling time is that of sending, not that of receiving).
SECTION 4. The IdSMA and component chapters shall offer reciprocity to members transferring membership from the constituent society and/or component chapter. The transferring member shall present proof of current AAMA membership status.
SECTION 5. Membership belongs to the individual and shall be non transferable.
SECTION 1. The officers of IdSMA shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past President.
SECTION 2. A candidate for office of the IdSMA shall:
A. Be an active or associate member in good standing.
B. Must be a CMA (AAMA) or a credentialed medical assistant.
C. Submit qualifications for office and written consent to serve to the Chair of the Nominating Committee.
D. All chapter officers could fill state officer vacancies as appointed by the executive committee if prior qualifications are met.
SECTION 3. Term of Office
A. Term of office shall be for one year.
B. An officer shall not be eligible for re-election to that office after a total of two terms.
SECTION 1. In addition to the duties set forth in these Bylaws, officers shall perform such duties as are implied by their respective offices and are consistent with standard parliamentary procedure.
SECTION 2. The President shall:
A. Preside at all meetings of the IdSMA Executive Board and will serve as Speaker of the General Assembly at the Annual State Meeting.
B. Be a member ex-officio of all committees and Boards except the Nominating Committee.
C. In the event of a vacancy in a committee chairship, the president has the power to appoint a chair from among the members of the committee in which the vacancy occurs.
D. Appoint, subject to the approval of the Executive Board, committee members to fill vacancies during the year.
E. Cast a deciding vote in case of a tie in question and/or motion, but not when the vote is by ballot or on an election of officers.
SECTION 3. The Vice-President shall:
A. Assist the President throughout the year.
B. Assume the duty of the President in the latter’s absence.
C. Succeed to the office of President in the event of a vacancy in that office.
D. Appoint, subject to confirmation of the Executive Board, standing committees for the ensuring term, having secured each individual’s consent to serve.
E. Automatically succeeds to the office of President at the end of the term as Vice-President.
SECTION 4. The Secretary shall:
A. Be responsible for the recording and distribution of the minutes of all meetings of the IdSMA.
B. Maintain a list of officers, chairs, of standing committees, members and advisors.
C. Preserve and secure all important records, documents, originals kept on file, and copy provided to IdSMA president.
D. Communicate information to members.
SECTION 5. The Treasurer shall:
A. Be custodian of all money, securities, and valuable papers pertaining to finances of the IdSMA.
B. Keep a detailed record of receipts and disbursements.
C. Pay all authorized obligations of the IdSMA by check.
D. Receive dues from AAMA and component chapters.
E. Give a report at each Executive Board meeting and regular meetings of the IdSMA and prepare a written report for the Annual Meeting.
F. Shall be Bonded.
G. Books will be audited yearly by the Treasurer & President.
H. Report of Treasurer report to be included in the minutes.
a. SECTION 1. Nominations add “chair/committee shall verify qualifications of candidates upon submission”
SECTION 1. Nominations
(Current C, D, F)
SECTION 2. Elections
(Current A, B, E, G)
A. Election of officers shall be by ballot.
B. The ballot shall be prepared from those names presented by the Nominating Committee. Any nominations from the floor who have met credentialing requirements will be a write-in.
C. Those wishing to nominate from the floor must present credentials to the Nominating Committee no later than 9:00 a.m. the day of the General Assembly session. The candidate eligibility will be verified via AAMA member list or website of dues paid by the 31st of December.
D. A nominee need not be present if he/she has given his/her written consent to serve if elected to the office for which they are nominated.
E. One Chief Teller plus an additional Teller will be appointed by the President and will oversee electronic voting and results. These individuals shall be appointed from the group of registered non members attending convention.
F. Nominees receiving a majority of the votes cast will be declared elected. Where a clear majority is not evident, the balloting will be repeated on the two nominees receiving the highest number of votes.
G. In the event of a tie, one other ballot should be taken to break the tie. If no decision is made then, the outgoing officers shall meet immediately and elect one of the tied members to fill the office.
SECTION 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the elected Society officers, component chapter Presidents, appointed officers, the immediate IdSMA Past President, and Chairman of the standing committees. The Parliamentarian shall be an ex-officio member without a vote. The Executive Board Shall:
A. Conduct the business of the IdSMA between regular meetings, seeking the advice of the Advisory Board.
B. Shall meet prior to the AAMA National Conference. Additional meetings shall be held as necessary to adequately plan and carry out activities of the year.
C. Shall appoint the Chair of the Nominating Committee.
D. A quorum of the Executive Board shall be a majority of the members, one of who must be the President or Vice-President.
E. No member of the Executive Board shall conduct any quasi-official correspondence on matters unrelated to said member’s office or committee without prior clearance from the President.
F. In the event that an elected officer can no longer perform the duties of their office, the Executive Board can appoint a replacement to serve in that office for the remainder of the term. If the vacated office is President, the Vice President/President Elect would assume responsibilities of that office. The Past President could then fulfill the position of Vice President until the next scheduled election.
Meeting shall be held as decided by the Executive Board including the following:
A. The Annual Meeting shall be held each year at which time the officers shall give annual reports, if appropriate. In election years the newly elected officers shall be installed.
B. A quorum at any regular, annual, or special meeting shall consist of a majority of the credentialed members, one of whom must be the President or Vice President. The majority of the credentialed members present rules.
C. A special meeting may be called by the President, with the approval of the Executive Board, and with advance notice to the membership.
The Committees of the IdSMA shall be standing and special.
SECTION 1. Bylaws
A. This committee shall receive all proposed amendments.
B. It shall advise and make recommendations for amendments. Following a revision of the Bylaws they shall be updated and a copy will be made available to all members.
C. The Parliamentarian shall be a member of this committee.
SECTION 2. Credential.
This committee shall verify credentials and establish that a quorum is present.
SECTION 3. Education. This committee has an educational component for students and should include educators from each of the institutions in Idaho. This committee shall assist the officers to establish and 8 maintain educational programs. The members of this committee should be instrumental in assisting in instilling student interest to continue the growth of the IdSMA and AAMA.
SECTION 4. Historian
A. It is suggested that the Immediate Past President act as Historian with the help of members, or as delegated by the current IdSMA President.
B. Records will be given to the IdSMA Immediate Past President at the State Annual Conference of an election year.
SECTION 5. Membership.
This committee shall have the responsibility of maintaining and increasing the membership and have membership applications available for disbursement to component chapters.
SECTION 6. Multi Media Management. This committee shall be responsible for the IdSMA media management to include social media and other publications. May be subject to review and approval by the Executive Board. The multi media committee chair shall be a member of the executive board.
SECTION 7. Public Policy.
This committee shall be responsible for monitoring any legislation pertaining to CMAs (AAMA) and informing the membership. Serves as liaison for AAMA Public Policy Committee.
SECTION 8. Strategic Committee. This committee shall be responsible for evaluation and monitoring compliance of the Strategic Plan.
SECTION 9. Conference Committee. The location of the state conference and planning committee meeting will be on a rotating schedule between the chapters. The planning committee will consist of the hosting chapter’s officers. Each chapter will have the opportunity to select a representative to be on the IdSMA conference committee. Door prizes, speaker gifts, or snacks will be provided by each chapter as assigned by the conference committee. Executive officers will support the conference committee as necessary.
The governing body of the IdSMA shall be the General Assembly of members. It shall amend the IdSMA Bylaws, conduct the election of officers, and act upon other business as may come before it.
Section 1. Delegates and Alternates shall be active or AAMA National life members whose membership has not been revoked, as delineated in Article VI.
Section 2. Delegates and alternates shall be elected to serve from the opening of the AAMA House of Delegates for the year elected until the next convening of the next House of Delegates.
A. The IdSMA President shall serve as first delegate for the term of office.
B. The Vice-President shall serve as the 1st alternate.
C. The second and or subsequential delegates shall be nominated/elected by voting members during the General Assembly.
D. Candidates not elected to serve as second and or subsequential delegate shall be listed as alternates.
E. The AAMA shall determine the number of delegates based on membership.
F. The names of delegates and alternates shall be submitted to the AAMA Executive Office no later than June 1st prior to the of the “AAMA” House of Delegates.
SECTION 1. Donations and Grants.
All monies received as donations and/or grants shall be placed in the general operation fund unless the condition of the donation or grant should stipulate otherwise.
SECTION 2. Budget. The IdSMA Elected State Officers shall prepare a budget for the ensuing year. The budget shall be provided to the Executive Board for review then General Assembly for approval.
SECTION 3. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year for the IdSMA shall be from General Assembly to General Assembly.
SECTION 4. Annual Audit. The accounts of the IdSMA shall be audited annually following the close of the fiscal year. A copy of this audit shall be available to members for review.
SECTION 5. Bonding. It is a requirement from the Executive Board that the IdSMA Treasurer and local Idaho Chapters Treasurer be bonded by a sufficient fidelity bond in an amount set by the Board, following review of the fiscal year.
In the event of dissolution of the IdSMA, the Executive Board shall, after payment of all liabilities, distribute any remaining assets to medical or charitable institutions or projects designated by a majority of the delegates at a meeting called for the purpose of dissolution. The President of the IdSMA shall notify the Executive Offices of the AAMA within ten days of dissolution. In the event of dissolution of Constituent Societies, a financial accounting of finances shall be due in the AAMA Headquarters no later than ninety (90) days after the IdSMA is dissolved.
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern IdSMA cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Bylaws of the IdSMA.
The Code of Ethics of the IdSMA shall set forth principles of ethical and moral conduct as they relate to the medical profession and the particular practice of medical assisting. Members of the IdSMA are dedicated to the conscientious pursuit of their profession and the respect of the general public which they serve; do pledge themselves to strive always to:
A. Render service with full respect for the dignity of humanity. 11
B. Respect confidential information obtained through employment unless legally authorized or required by responsible performances of duty to divulge such information.
C. Uphold the honor and high principles of the profession and accept its disciplines.
D. Seek to continually improve the knowledge and skills of medical assistants for the benefit of patients and professional colleagues.
E. Participate in additional service activities aimed toward improving the health and well being of the community.
I believe in the principles and purpose of the profession of medical assisting, and endeavor to be more effective.
I aspire to render greater service.
I protect the confidence entrusted to me.
I am dedicated to the care and well being of all people.
I am loyal to my employer. I am true to the ethics of my profession.
I am strengthened by compassion, courage and faith.