Plan on attending the
2025 Idaho State
Medical Assistants Conference in Idaho Falls, Idaho!
See you at the 2025 IdSMA
Conference in Idaho Falls
Become a State Officer or Delegate
Want to join our efforts but not sure where to start? Partner with Us and take advantage of this incredible opportunity to lend your support. It’s a great way to contribute to our cause, and every little bit counts towards paving the path for a better tomorrow. Get in touch with us today for more details about how you can help.
Who is qualified to be a State Officer?
Current members whose dues were paid by December 31st of the prior year, and have held a chapter office. Students cannot run for offices.
Who can be a delegate?
Current members whose dues were paid by December 31st of the prior year. No students can run for delegate positions.
What positions are available this year?
Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Delegate, and Alternate Delegate Positions.
Do I need to be nominated for one of the positions?
No, you can self-nominate.
What if I want to nominate someone?
Talk to them to ensure they want to run. Get the information to the nominating committee No Later Than 9 am the morning of the Saturday of conference.
How long will I serve as a Delegate?
1 time for the national convention in October.
Are Officers and Delegates required to attend the AAMA National Conference?
President and Vice president must attend. The President is the 1st delegate, Vice President is the 1st alternate delegate. If you are voted in to be a delegate, you MUST attend the national conference. If after voted in, you cannot attend, you must let the President know ASAP so that further arrangements can be made.
Who pays for them to attend?
The state will give each delegate money toward expenses. Generally, this can pay for registration and airfare or hotel. The delegate will be responsible for the rest of their expenses.
Immediate Past President:
Support and advisor for the President
State President:
A. Preside at all meetings of IDSMA Executive Board and will serve as Speaker of the General Assembly at the Annual State Meeting.
B. Be a member ex-officious of all committees and Boards except the Nominating Committee.
C. In the event of a vacancy in a committee chairship, the president has the power to appoint a chair from among the members of the committee in which the vacancy occurs.
D. Appoint, subject to the approval of the Executive Board, committee members to fill vacancies during the year.
E. Cast a deciding vote in case of a tie in question and/or motion, but not when the vote is by ballot or on an election of officers.
President Elect (aka; Vice President):
A. Assist the President throughout the year.
B. Assume the duty of the President in the latter’s absence.
C. Succeed to the office of President in the event of a vacancy in that office.
D. Appoint, subject to confirmation of the Executive Board, standing committees for the ensuring term, having secured each individual’s consent to serve.
E. Automatically succeed to the office of President at the end of the term as Vice-President.
A. Be responsible for the minutes of all meetings of the IDSMA. Minutes shall be in duplicate, original on file and a copy for the Society President and a copy to the component chapter presidents.
B. Maintain a list of officers, Chairman of standing committees, members and advisors.
C. Preserve all important records, and documents in duplicate, original on file, and copy for the IDSMA president.
A. Be custodian of all money, securities, and valuable papers pertaining to finances of the IDSMA.
B. Keep a detailed record of receipts and disbursements.
C. Pay all authorized obligations of the IDSMA by check.
D. Receive dues from AAMA and component chapters.
E. Give a report at each Executive Board meeting and regular meetings of IDSMA and prepare a written report for the Annual Meeting.
F. Shall be Bonded.
G. Books will be audited yearly.
H. Report of Treasurer report to be included in the minutes.
IDSMA Delegates shall attend the House of Delegates at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Medical Assistants.
A. Delegates and Alternates shall be active or AAMA life members whose membership has not been revoked, as delineated in
Article VI, Section 4.
B. The IDSMA President shall serve as first delegate for the term of office.
C. The Vice-President shall serve as the 1st alternate.
D. The second and or subsequent delegates shall be nominated/elected by voting members during the General Assembly.
E. Candidates not elected to serve as second and or subsequent delegate shall be listed as alternates.
F. The AAMA shall determine the number of delegates based on membership.
G. Delegates and alternates shall be elected to serve for one year from the opening of the House of Delegates that year until the opening of the House of Delegates the following year.